When I attended the "Concord Coalition's" "Fiscal Wake Up Tour" and then later received the best gift ever from my long time debate adversary, Noah The African ("Crash Course") I was under the assumption that IF Americans, just like me, were to receive news about the treacherousness fiscal condition that this country faces in the future - that the news would be jolting enough to force them to display some discipline and conscious awareness in their behavior on the matter of parceling out the jewels that define this nation's long term fiscal health.
Like 4th graders gaming for a school yard fight so that they can cheer for "their team" - the American consumer consciousness loves a battle for no other reason than the fact that they are ABSTRACTED from the forces that are converging around them.
This was a debate about WHO is to blame for the Sequester cuts
This was a debate about WHO is to blame for the US credit rating being dinged last year
This was a debate about the "INTENTIONS" of one side vs the other and what they are willing to do to destroy the nation.
This was pleasing to most people.
What are the chances that you will hear -
- Team Fox News and The Republican Party OR
- Team MSNBC and The Democratic Party (and most Black folks)...............
Did any of you all hear that the UK's credit rating was reduced last week?
There are no "Democrats" and "Republicans" in England - so WHO was to blame?
The answer is that the credit ratings agencies expressed their doubt in the growth potential of the UK economy over the next several years.
Those who wish to make the case that the "Austerity Programs" have failed to produce growth - often can't bring themselves to see that the Keynesian theories throwing debt money at the problem in order to simulate growth is the theory that lead to the high debt loads in the first place.
Indeed the argument is "Grow Your Way Out Of A Recession". This points to the fiat currency as the magical elixir.
What many people can't bring themselves to note is the mandate that there be evidence of ORGANIC COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT created from this fiat currency creation that builds a PRODUCTIVE ECONOMY and not merely a CONSUMER ECONOMY. Failing to do this merely creates a bubble - that always needs new fiat "magic money" in order to keep the scheme alive.
The winner of the grand debate between Ellison and Hannity are the forces seeking to DISTRACT THE MASSES from the seriousness of the conditions at hand.
Listening To Rep Keith Ellison & Fox News Sean Hannity With A Renewed Consciousness To Go Along With Your Old Eyes And Ears.
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