So, I’ve just received my confirmation of registration for the biannual PLTC Conference… that’s the Pacific Legal Technology Conference – not to be confused with the Professional Legal Training Course which is a far and distant memory (not sure whether to be happy about that or not).
This year the conference organizers scored a major coup by getting Dr. Michael Geist to accept an invitation to give the keynote address (“The Future of Law Making”). Michael Geist is a Prof at the University of Ottawa Law school and also happens to hold the Canadian Research Chair in Internet and E-commerce Law. He’s well known in the blogging world and was among the first to sound the alarm over the potential downsides to the changes proposed to the Copyright Act that ultimately died on the Order paper back in 2005 (more on Bill C-60 An Act to Amend the Copyright Act). More recently he’s used his considerable reach to encourage interested stakeholders to participate in this summer’s national copyright consultation – the prelude to the next attempt at revising and updating Canada’s copyright laws.
The Pacific Legal Technology Conference highlights the most recent developments in legal technology and how it affects the practice of law (Pacific Legal Technology Conference – Draft Program). Do you need info on practice management software? e.g. like the fact “Amicus Attorney” is NOT the name of Gregory Peck’s character in To Kill a Mocking Bird but rather an easy to use yet highly sophisticated productivy tool? Want to know what people mean when they start blathering on about Web 2.0 or whether you should bother with Social Media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Legal Onramp, Your an Idiot — sorry, sorry I didn’t really mean that last one I just wanted to see if you were paying attention). On a more serious note, the presenters at this Conference are well equipped to give you the executive summary AND all the gory detail you can handle when it comes to developments in eDiscovery, security issues in the age of digital practice, and how to make Word actually do more than frustrate the hell out of you. Or, maybe you need a really, really good justification for that new iPhone, Blackberry or Treo you just had to have? If any of this applies to you, this is the place to be.
Get the inside track on the latest technology, gizmos, practice enhancers and a heads up on what’s coming down the road for the practice of law. And, as the icing on the cake, take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions of the people that know (and I mean REALLY know) about this stuff. Finally, the conference has a history of hosting a great trade show floor with access to contacts for all the latest and greatest gadgets, toys and services on offer to support the legal profession. You should come. Early bird registration ends Sept 11, 2009. To Register.
Pacific Legal Technology Conference, Vancouver BC – Oct 2, 2009.
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